Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Winter 2014 - Memorable!!

    When I previously wrote about making memories, little did I know that our winter here in the Midwest  would become a major one. As I work on this post I'm looking out my window at close to a foot of snow, and more on the way this coming weekend. How glad I am
that all of our vehicles are resting nicely inside our garage. Scraping windows in this weather is definitely not on my list of fun things to do. 

     What I am enjoying, however,
is getting our lives organized and prepared for our adventure on the road. It's amazing how many 'things' we have, and how those 'things' can hold so much meaning and sentimental value, yet be practically worthless to someone else. I know this sentiment can prove to be a prison at times; it will hold me captive and unable to make practical decisions if I let it. 

     What is this sentimental value we place on our 'stuff'? What is this attachment? In it's most basic explanation, isn't it simply the physical proof of our cherished family member's existence? It's like the memories surrounding our 'things' is sticky and adheres to our things like glue, making them almost impossible to release. With each generation they are passed to, the memories get stickier until at some point they become priceless. Priceless, that is, until somewhere down the line they end up in an estate sale. Then with sentimental value erased, they are reincarnated into a new existence to start the process all over again.

      That sounds depressing when I read it back, but actually isn't it just
the way life works? So with that, I plan to take pictures of the 'things' holding the most sentimental value, and to write down the memories that are attached. Isn't that what we really want to keep? Perhaps I'll create a memory photo album that can actually be passed on without holding any prisoners. 

BeeGal - Kathy M

 Etsy Store  - Shop Of Memories

 Ebay StoreMutchler Memories

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