Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Before the Snow Flies?

Speaking just above a whisper (and typing very lightly), I'll share that we may actually be starting our adventure just as the snow begins to fly! Though the last few months have definitely been a lesson in patience and perseverance, things have worked out the way they were obviously supposed to, and we are now
even better prepared to start our adventure. I know there
will be more lessons in our future; maybe we will be more open to learn from them.

After finding a tenant to lease our loft apartment, we began searching for a motor home that would suit our needs and provide us with our home on the road. We  wanted a motor home toy hauler to carry our Smart Car so our search for a used model (Damon Outlaw) really narrowed our prospects. Also, to narrow the search even further, before 2014 the Outlaw toy hauler was built with both a GMC 8.1L Chevy engine on a workhorse chassis, and a Ford F-550 on a Super Duty Chassis. To safely load and carry our Smart Car we need the GMC with the heavier workhorse chassis. As though it was meant to be (Good Luck, finally!), we located one in great condition just a couple hours away. After making the trip over to check it out and test drive it, we brought our new ride home with our Smart tucked nicely in it's garage.

Now, anticipating our journey we are making final preparations, loading our motor home, and saying our good-byes. On the way to our winter destination we hope to make some brief stops to see friends and family in Hillsboro, IL, St. Louis, MO., and Memphis, TN. With the weather cooling down fast, it may be snowing when we leave to head South.

The most difficult part of leaving will be leaving Red's mom and dad, but with the technology of today, at least we will be able to stay in touch with Skype.  Though nothing can truly replace actually being here with them, sometimes you have to resort to technical resources available in order to fulfill your own personal dreams and goals. That being said, we WILL be back in the spring to see how everyone is doing.

Till Next Post -

   The Bee-Gals

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